Steve's Linux/Emulation/Retro Page

Welcome to my Linux/Emulation/Retro page. Like most pages on the net, this one will be forever under construction. Those of you who know me personally, know that I tend to be a minimalist (and describe everything in terms of 8 base colours). I think it shows with this page. :)

Currently there isn't much here about retrocomputing. Eventually I'll expand this site to include the retro-computer hardware I own.

For major software development, I use the Linux operating system (Ubuntu and KDE neon) on Intel x86_64 and ARM hardware. Have a look here for more information on Linux. Below I have listed my favorite Linux links as well as some open-source projects I've worked on.

Favorite Linux Links:

Open-Source Projects I've worked on:

Favorite Linux Emulation Links:

Send any comments or questions about this site to
Stephen Anthony

Viewable with any browser Digital Blasphemy Free 3d Wallpapers Gaming for Linux

Last updated July 21, 2022